The little birds...

If you watch little birds you will see they are busy and happy! Using whatever they can find they create the most gorgeous little nest.
I would be the little bird with some glittery thread in her nest!
We can be like this. Happily working away with the things that are available to us to create a beautiful and happy home.
All the while with a little song in our heart.

Banner by Free Pretty Things for You.

Thursday 26 December 2013


I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas. I am in recovery mode today! Possibly too much food over two days! But it was a beautiful Christmas in so many ways. A wonderful family gathering and so special. I feel very blessed.

We had the most stunning Christmas evening as the sun set we fed the deer carrots from the back of my brothers ute. It seemed so fitting as a Christmas Day activity and was so stunning and seemed romantic to me. It was dusk and we stayed until the sun set. Everyone of us was stuck by the beauty of it. I was slightly scared, they are HUGE and can be quite dangerous... so even with tame ones like these you exercise a fair bit of caution. But they were lovely and so close you could touch them... its hard to choose photos but I am fascinated by the antlers so in some I will try to show those... at the moment they LOOK soft... they have fuzz on them like velvet (it is actually called velvet) and looks like flocking! It is gorgeous!

What a stunning end to a big Christmas Day!

Chloe feeding a carrot... both the girls patted some noses....

Kato was braver than me and walked around ... I stayed in the ute!

What a lovely day. I feel very blessed. My nieces and nephew are so good and the Christmas table of eleven of us was stunning, turkey and ham and Christmas pudding and every side dish you can think of and cold meats for the evening meal and a huge pavlova... it just went on and on. The atmosphere of a very loving family. I am lucky. 

Funny little things bless your heart too. The trouble my husband had gone to over my gift and the way a man will wrap a present so carefully when wrapping is not his forte but he wants it to look good... this blessed my heart... and a card of with sweet messages. These things just mean a lot. Even the effort the girls go to for each other and everyone, it just makes me feel very grateful.

I hope everyone had a beautiful day. Now we are in my very favourite time of the whole year. To me it's a time to reflect on the whole year and to plan some things for next year. A new diary and lots of writing! I love it! Now to enjoy and soak up this lovely time...


  1. Annabel, what a magical experience! I would have loved it. The antlers are amazing and so beautiful as well. Thank you for sharing this wonderful moment.

    1. Helen thank you I wish you could have experienced it with us! Maybe one day... xxx


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